Charity Report - January 2025

As Mark Provinces go, we are one of the smallest. Yet having provided our Charity returns to the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) for the year 2024, as a Province we donated £7,050 to local Charities, an amazing effort.
Our Province is too small to undertake our own festivals on behalf of the MBF. Consequently, each year we support those Mark Provinces that are in Festival. At the moment that is Oxfordshire that we have supported with a donation of £1,000 which was boosted by the sale of the Oxfordshire Festival pins to our members, raising an additional £200.

This Province certainly gets back from the from the MBF more than we put in! In 2024, Southmead Hospital received a cheque for £18,654 from the MBF, sponsored by the Bristol Mark Province, being the final contribution for the purchase of a Specialist Microscope.

Bristol Baby Bank Network
During the winter, as a Province, we have continued to support the Bristol Baby Bank Network; a Charity redistributing pre-loved baby and child items to families in need. During the Summer of 2024 this Charity celebrated a significant milestone of supporting 10,000 families since it started ten years ago.

Bristol Children's Charity
The Mark Province of Bristol was pleased to donate £1,000 to the Bristol Children's Charity prior to Christmas. This enabled the Charity to purchase five beds and the necessary bedding for five children who otherwise would not have had a bed to sleep in.

Bristol Mini Festival
In December, the Mark Province donated £2,000 to the Bristol Mini Festival to support the maintenance of Freemasons Hall at Park Street.

'200' Club

The '200' Club is one of our main sources of income to boost our contributions to the Bristol MBF, to enable us to make donations to deserving Charities. The second draw took place in December and the final one will be made at the meeting of the Baldwyn Mark Lodge on 25th April.

It is not too late to buy a number for just £10, and your number will be included in the next draw.

A new draw be launched in May, with the first draw being made after the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on 17th May 2025.

For those who have yet to subscribe or wish to increase their stake, payment can be made either by BACS or by cheque. Please support the Charity if you possibly can.

Phil Harrill

Provincial Grand Charity Steward


Charity Report - March 2024

Recently, our Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro. Rhys Hughes attended Southmead Hospital to present a cheque from the MBF sponsored by the Bristol Mark for £18,654, being the final amount for the purchase of a Special Microscope.

Together with R W Bro. Derek Thomas, and R W Bro. David Powell, MBF Trustees, W Bro. Rhys Hughes attended the demonstration of the Synaptic Modus X Robotic Microscope event on Friday 8th March at Southmead Hospital.

The microscope is cutting edge technology for use in neurosurgery. It is one of only two such microscopes in Europe. The MBF Donation was timely, as it saved the Hospital having to fund an imminent £100,000 price rise.

The technology will provide improved optics for surgeons. Also, due to the ability to project high quality images onto a large screen, improved teamwork within the theatre. This incredible equipment will support more detailed surgery and help to reduce patient time in hospital, enabling more patients to be seen throughout the year.

Consultant surgeon Mr Mario Teo and the Charity Managers were extremely grateful for the support the MBF was able to provide to fund this equipment. This support will benefit so many people within communities across the country.

A Message from our Provincial Grand Charity Steward


Thank you for supporting our Charitable efforts over the past five years.

Now that I am a resident of Falmouth, Cornwall I am not able to support the St. Peter’s Hospice “tour de Bristol”.

However, in May I intend to cycle from Cornwall’s South Coast to the North Coast and back. I hope some of you will consider sponsoring me for this ‘last act’ whilst I still hold the Charity Steward’s Collar for Bristol Mark. It will also be a worthwhile donation to a Charity that has looked after many members of our Degree and their families.

For those of you who have yet to subscribe for a 200 Club number, please consider doing so before the first draw at our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on Saturday 18th May.

W Bro. Brian Hamley


Charity Report - February 2024


Following the February meeting of the John Platts Lodge, we welcomed two representatives of St. Peter’s Hospice to Park Street. Both Molly O’Donoghue and Peter Lee were given a guided tour of our magnificent building by our PGM Rt. W. Bro. Stephen Rawlings and the Pr.G.J.W. Phillip Harrill. Our guests were then presented with a cheque for £500 by Rt. W. .Bro. Stephen as a continuation of the support we have provided to this most worthy cause.

Bristol Mark ‘200 Club’

Thank you to those who have signed up to the 2024 ‘200 Club’.

There is still an opportunity to subscribe for one or more numbers, at £10 per number.

The first draw will take place on 18th May, following the Annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, during the After-meeting.

Payments to the ‘200 Club’ can be made either by BACS or Cheque, or as an alternative, please consider setting up a Standing Order for the ‘200 Club’ or for making regular donations to the Bristol MBF.

Thank you.

W. Bro. Brian Hamley,

Bristol Mark Charity Steward.


Charity Report - January 2024


Welcome to the New Year, I hope you have all enjoyed the Festive period, and I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Food Banks

An astounding and depressing fact was revealed to me during the break. The United Kingdom is joint 30th with India in the world, for the percentage of the families in Food Poverty. Nearly 20% of families in this country of ours are relying on Food Banks; many more are subsisting just above that level. With our PGMs permission, we have donated an extra £250 to both the Keynsham and North Bristol Food Banks.

We have also contributed an extra £250 for the Bristol Baby Bank, that supports the many families faced with the sad situation of struggling to feed and clothe their young children.

We have had a charity recommended by one of our Brethren, and that is the Bristol Children’s Help Society. It was established in 1884 and has been awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. This Charity helps disadvantaged children gain life experiences away from their family base. It has residential accommodation courses and runs various courses. Please see for a full list of activities. Although this is based near Winscombe, most of the children who attend are from Bristol. We have donated £250 to this Charity.

Baldwyn Lodge Donation

At their October Installation meeting, £125 was raised and donated to the GWAAC in memory of R W Bro. Phil Patrick.

The 200 Club

Brethren, with consideration of the financial demands of the two Festivals now running in The Craft, we have decided to reduce the costs of numbers for the 200 Club. Each number will now cost £10, we would hope that you continue with the same subscription as in previous years, but you would have double the chances of winning a draw. Those of you who have not participated previously, I hope you will take this opportunity to join the club, support the Charity Work of our Province and maybe win a prize. There will still be 3 draws per year, the prizes will be £100 and two at £25.

As before, subscriptions can be made by either BACS or Cheques Payable to Bristol MBF.

I wish to thank those members who continue to support the Bristol MBF on a regular basis. If you would like to consider setting up a Standing Order, please use the same BACS details and confirm to myself via email.

Brethren, if you are facing financial hardship or know of a Brother who is, please contact W Bro Reginald Bleaden our Provincial Almoner. The Bristol MBF is there to help you if necessary.

Best Wishes

W Bro. Brian Hamley

Bristol Mark Provincial Charity Steward